NCJC Interview: Barry Eisler |
The NC Japan Center was extremely honored to interview Mr. Barry Eisler! Barry is the New York Times bestselling author of the popular John Rain and Livia Lone series of thrillers, and worked previously in a covert position for the CIA’s Directorate of Operations. He was also a technology lawyer and startup executive in Japan and Silicon Valley before starting his career as a critically acclaimed novelist. In Part 1, Barry tells us about his background, how he was first introduced to Japan, and how the character of “John Rain” was created. Barry also talks about his time living and working in Japan, as well as his writing process and “pearls of wisdom” for aspiring writers. Part 2 coming soon!
元CIA工作員というバックグラウンドを持つ人気小説家、バリ―・アイスラ―氏のインタビューをご覧いただけます。氏は日本在住経験があり、インタビューでは彼の興味深いバックグラウンドや、何がきっかけで日本を知るに至ったか、また彼の作品がどのようにして生まれたのかなど、興味深い内容となっています。 |
See the interview video here! » |

Cooking “Okonomiyaki” with OIS! |
The NCJC was honored to participate in the Office of International Services’ “Global Kitchen” livestream on Instagram! In the video recording linked below, we show you how to cook “okonomiyaki” at home – a savory, Japanese pancake that can be found at festivals, street vendors, and restaurants. We hope you enjoy!
日本のソウルフード、お好み焼きの紹介です。 |
Check out the livestream video here! » |

NC Japan Center T-shirts! |
We have a limited supply of our popular NC Japan Center t-shirts in stock, in a wide range of sizes! At $20, these high-quality, unique NC Japan Center shirts are not offered anywhere else and are an incredible deal. If you’re interested in picking up yours, please contact Jonathan Brewster at the link, below (note that our Individual Members get theirs for free!).
NCジャパンT- shirtの販売です。 |
Contact Jonathan here! » |

Wolfpack “Washoku” (Japanese cuisine) at One Earth! |
Join NC State Dining and the Office of Global Engagement to experience Japanese cuisine at a popup station at One Earth in Talley Student Union. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and dinner will be served from 4:30 to 8 p.m. The popup food station will feature okonomiyaki, chirashizushi, taiyaki, genmaicha and more. One Earth is operating as a dining hall for the spring semester and is open to the public. No meal plan required.
NS State University, Raleigh ダウンタウンにあるNC州立大学の学食にて和食が期間限定で提供されます。学生以外の一般でも購入ができます。春季セメスター期間中、ランチは11am-3pm ディナーは4:30-8pmまで |
Read More! » |