Information of a performance, a lecture, a documentary film @Carolina Performing Arts, UNC CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina
Carolina Performing Artsで行われるパフォーマンス、レクチャー、フィルムの紹介です。
“Global Multiculturalism in Japan: Idol Groups, Matsuri, and Festivals”
講師: Zelideth Maria Rivas (Marshall University)
9月24日(木) 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM<
場所: FedEx GEC Room 4003, UNC-CH
Today’s globalism and cosmopolitanism highlight the economic ties of nations by commodifing the diversity of peoples, cultures, and languages present in their own borders, becoming a local multiculturalism.Professor Rivas’ presentation examines the consumption of a Brazilian national imaginary in Japan, not as a country of “poverty and crime” but as “Brasil Fantástico!”: land of samba, acai, eternal summer, and carnaval. Sponsored by the Department of Asian Studies of UNC, the Carolina Asia Center, and the Triangle Center for Japanese Studies.
Hidden Legacy:
Japanese Traditional Performing Arts in the World War II Internment Camps
映画監督 :Shirley Kazuyo Muramoto-Wong
9月24日(木) 7:30 PM
場所: FedEx Global Center, UNC Campus Mandela Auditorium
This film uses historical footage and interviews from artists who were interned to tell the story of how traditional Japanese cultural arts were maintained at a time when the War Relocation Authority (WRA) emphasized the importance of assimilation and Americanization. It will be the first major presentation of the existence of traditional music, dance and drama in the camps. Free and open to the public. For more info, please click here.