※ English version follows the Japanese versiion.
ノースカロライナ日米協会 (JASNC) は、ノースカロライナ州におけるビジネス支援とコミュニティの発展をさらに推進する為に、協会がどうあるべきかの指針を模索しています。今後3年間の協会運営の優先事項を定めるためにも、皆様のご意見をお聞かせいただけると幸いです。
又、調査の回答と個人情報が結びつけられることはありません。ただし、アンケートの最後にあるオプションの $100 ギフトカード抽選に応募される場合は、例外となります。
Click here to take survey in 日本語.
The Japan America Society of North Carolina (JASNC) is working on a strategic plan to assess how to best deliver on our mission of supporting business and developing community by strengthening the U.S.-Japan relationship in North Carolina. To define priorities for the next three years, we seek to include your feedback.
You may receive this survey from multiple sources, since other organizations have kindly agreed to partner with us on distribution. If so, please only submit one survey.
Participation is confidential, and only one person outside of JASNC will have access to the data for research purposes. Your responses will not be linked to your identity unless you choose to enter the optional $100 gift card drawing at the end.
The survey should take about 5–7 minutes to complete.
Thank you for your time and insights!
Click here to take survey in English.