日米通訳募集@Curling Night in America (Raleigh, NC)





場所:Polar Iceplex (2601 N Raleigh Blvd, Raleigh NC 27604)

連絡先:Ms. Ellie Rinehart erinehart@sportsproperties.com

  • 直接 Ms. Rinehart へお問い合わせください。

Volunteer Needed !!!

Triangle Sports Commission, a local non-profit in Cary, NC. are helping facilitate the upcoming Curling Night in America, August 22nd through 24th at the Polar Iceplex in Raleigh, NC.

The organization is looking for volunteers that would be willing to translate for Team Japan at this event.  The schedule is as below and if you are able to be there, please contact Ms. Rinehart directly. erinehart@sportsproperties.com


Curling Night in America is a nationally-televised event that will be held in Raleigh, NC, at the Polar Iceplex over three days (August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th), with three sessions of curling each day.

There will be men’s, women’s, and mixed doubles competition in a round-robin tournament style, with overall points being compiled to determine a winning nation. The event will also be recorded for TV broadcast on NBC Sports Network over nine weeks, with a two-hour program premiering each evening. This will begin January of 2020.